Tag: ArcSDE

ArcGIS Server 10.4.1 Sql Server SDE 10.2.2 Feature class Data source Mismatching Issue and a Temporary Solution

We encountered this issue late last year but didn’t pay too much attention to it until it happened again today.

The Backstory

We were working on a new map service on ArcGIS Server 10.4.1. After the service was successfully published, we found that the field settings on one of the layers didn’t match the relevant settings in the mxd. The layer in the mxd file had 25 fields but the relevant service layer only had 3 fields, and the total number of the records were different.

Many efforts were made to fix the issue. We tried overwriting the Map service, recreating the Map Service, etc. None of them were able to fix the issue.

What We had Found

We took the time to inspect every single file in the MapServer folder in arcgisinput folder. It didn’t take long before we found the anomaly. It was in the msd file. To inspect the content in a msd file, simply extract the msd to a folder (I used 7-Zip). There are just a bunch of xml files in the folder.


In our Sql Server SDE, we use different schemas, but occasionally we have same name feature class stored in different schema. In this particular case, COUNCILASSETS.Bridges is the feature class we want to use. However, we also have ADAC.Bridges in the same database. During the publishing process, for some reason ArcGIS Server 10.4.1 used ADAC.Bridges instead of COUNCILASSETS.Bridges as data source for the layer in the ‘bridges.xml’ shown in above image. My understanding is ArcGIS Server 10.4.1 searches the feature class by name ‘Bridges’ and uses the first result in the result list.

A Temporary Solution

When the issue is known, a solution is clear. I call it temporary because it is clearly a BUG on ArcGIS Server 10.4.1.

Fortunately, as until ArcGIS 10.5 arcpy.mapping .ConvertToMSD function is still available. Run the python function to export a msd file and replace the one that ArcGIS Server 10.4.1 is created. Remember to stop the service before deleting and replacing the original msd file.

A little More

So far we found that the output msd file is fine when using ArcGIS Desktop 10.4.1.

Also found that ArcGIS Server 10.5 has the same issue.

Esri has confirmed it is a bug affecting both 10.4.1 and 10.5 ArcGIS Server.
”BUG-000099007 : When packaging a service definition, ArcGIS 10.4.1 Desktop mixes up feature classes with the same name from two different schema”

SDE root takes forever to load? Check Documentation field on GBD_Items table (SDE WORKSPACE METADATA).

Have you ever experienced this? It takes forever for ArcCatalog to load the list of items from a SDE database. In my case, it could be up to 2 minutes.

We had a database migration a couple of years ago from Oracle to Sql Server. A new SDE was setup for data capture and desktop viewing. We copied about 1500 feature classes, most of them sat in feature dataset, and 30 raster datasets. About 10 percent of these feature classes were versioned. Also we had compress script running on a daily basis, analyze datasets and rebuild indexes running on a weekly basis for performance concerns. After some time, we discovered the SDE was running slower and slower. It froze Catalog for about 90 to 120 seconds every time when the workspace (SDE root) was selected. However when a feature class or a raster dataset was added to ArcMap, it performed well.

It took me long time trying to figure out what the issue was. Eventually I found the xml stored in Documentation field on GDB_Items table for Workspace (Type: C673FE0F-7280-404F-8532-20755DD8FC06) was extremely large (27 Mb). When investigated a little further, I found the xml in the documentation column keeps a geoprocessing history. Every time a geoprocessing tool is ran against the SDE workspace, it updates the xml in the documentation field and keeps the detail. So it is now clear, it inserts a big record including all selected feature classes when Analyze datasets or Rebuild indexes tool runs. Over the time, the system builds a huge metadata in the Documentation field. When the SDE workspace is selected, it has to download the items list as well as the metadata, which leads to the lag.

It is easy to fix the issue when the cause is found.
Solution 1. Remove the workspace metadata. I use sql server so the example is for sql server.

UPDATE sde.GDB_ITEMS SET Documentation = NULL WHERE [Type] = 'C673FE0F-7280-404F-8532-20755DD8FC06';

Solution 2. Remove old geoprocessing history. So this code is for Sql Server as well.

import pymssql
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import time
import datetime

def ClearSDEGeoprocessingHistory_administration(host, user, password, database, treshold_days=30):
    conn = pymssql.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database)
        cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("select documentation from sde.GDB_Items where type = 'C673FE0F-7280-404F-8532-20755DD8FC06'")
        new_xml_string = None
        for row in cur:
            root = ET.fromstring(row[0])
            lineage = root.findall("./Esri/DataProperties/lineage")[0]
            for process in lineage.findall("Process"):
                date_process = time.strptime(process.attrib["Date"], "%Y%m%d")
                datediff = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(date_process))
                if datediff.days > treshold_days:
            new_xml_string = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf8", method="xml")
        if new_xml_string != None:
            #remove xml declaration, replace single quote with two single quotes (escape in sql server query)
            new_xml_string = ("".join(new_xml_string.split("\n")[1:])).replace("'", "''")
            cur.execute("UPDATE sde.GDB_ITEMS SET Documentation = '{0}' WHERE [Type] = 'C673FE0F-7280-404F-8532-20755DD8FC06'".format(new_xml_string))
            #you have to commit to make it actually happen
    except Exception as ex:
        print ex

host = "{SQL SERVER HOST}"
user = "{DB OWNER}"
password = "{DB OWNER PWD}"
database = "{DATABSE NAME}"
#set treshold, geoprocessing history old than this will be remvoed.
treshold_days = 30

ClearSDEGeoprocessingHistory_administration(host, user, password, database)

Esri GDB keeps a track of geoprocessing history in metadata on all types of items. Consider the metadata size if you have any performance issue but are not able to locate the cause.
Esri GDB also keeps a track of copy history.